Nancy Wertsch was long a sought-after vocalist of contemporary music. She has performed such demanding twentieth-century vocal works as George Crumb’s Madrigals, Jacob Druckman’s Lamia, Lucas Foss’ Time Cyle, and the soprano solo in Shoenberg’s String Quartet No. 2.  She recorded Andrew Imbrie’s Campion Songs for New World Records, and appeared as soloist with the new music group Parnassus in Luigi Dallapiccola’s Parole di San Paolo. She appeared as mezzo-soprano soloist in Stravinsky’s Mass with the Brooklyn Philharmonic, under the baton of music director Robert Spano, and as an ensemble member performing Luciano Berio’s Sinfonia. Her voice can be heard on recordings of works by Charles Wuorinen, Steve Reich, and Mary Jane Leach, on the Nonesuch, Koch International, and Bridge Records labels. 

Ms. Wertsch’s vocal repertoire extends beyond contemporary music with numerous solo performances of works such as Mozart’s C Minor Mass and Bach’s St. John Passion. She has been soloist in the Holy Trinity Bach Cantata Series and the Sacred Music in a Sacred Space concert series at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, as well as with Musica Sacra, Gregg Smith Singers, Bronx Arts Ensemble, Russian Choral Society, Opera Memphis, Colorado Philharmonic, Little Orchestra Society, The Metropolitan Greek Chorale, and Steve Reich and Friends. She has been a regular member of Voices of Ascension since its inception, and her voice is on nearly all of its CDs, in repertoire ranging from Renaissance to Rorem.

Nancy Wertsch Sings Her Songs, Gary Norden, Piano

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recording of Nancy's choral music

Contact Nancy

For triple choir & soprano, performed in surround sound.