Text: Responsory 
Language: Latin 
Ensemble: SATB, S solo 
Accompaniment: Harp and Organ 
Genre: Sacred 
Duration: 5.0 minutes 
Page Count: 7 
Catalog Number: NWC-194

Available mid-2024. Sign up here to be notified when this title becomes available.

Sample Score

O magnum mysterium, et admirabile sacramentum, ut animalia viderent Dominum natum, jacentem in praesepio! 
Beata Virgo, cujus viscera meruerunt portare Dominum Christum. Alleluia. 

O great mystery, and wonderful sacrament, that animals should see the newborn Lord, lying in a manger! 
Blessed is the Virgin whose womb was worthy to bear Christ the Lord. Alleluia! 

Responsory to the Fourth Lesson, Matins, Christmas Day